We have relationships with everything and everyone.
What happens when we feel that something is changing in a relationship with another person and can we do something about it? Yes we can.
According to the book A Course in Miracles, in truth there is only love and what is not love is not true.
I make the world I see by projecting my thoughts and placing unwanted thoughts, feelings or impulses onto another person who does not have them. It's about projecting something we don't like about ourselves onto someone else to protect us from having to admit the parts of us we don't like.
If we are stuck in a relationship and feel different feelings that are not very loving but we want to make a change, then the following can be a solution.
Decide to see the other person with different eyes. Ask for help because you can't see the whole picture on your own. How you pray and what thoughts and words you use does not matter but pray honestly and from the heart. Surrender everything to Love.
You can ask to see the other person without judgment. No assessments and ratings.
Try to see within yourself beyond the other person's body. Realize that the other person is one with you. Unlimited, holy and perfectly loving.
I think I want to see the other person who is my sister or brother without what seems to separate us. That veil, curtain or curtain that seems to be in the way of my knowing that we are the same. To me, seeing beyond means not placing any weight on the body and instead of seeing with the body's eyes, remembers the other as it really is. It is an inner certainty. You just know. You experience the light.
The beautiful and wonderful miracle that happens is that the other person also recognizes the light within.
A relationship that in your eyes was anything but whole, has turned into a holy relationship because you saw no difference between you and your brother or sister. You made another choice and this time you made the right choice. You chose love over fear. Your will and the Will of God or Love became the same.
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