The wonderful book "A Course in Miracles" provides so much wisdom that guides me in everyday life.
Lesson 109 is called "I rest in God" and I want to share these words:
"Each hour that you take your rest today, a tired mind is suddenly made glad, a bird with broken wings begins to sing, a stream long dry begins to flow again. The world is born again each time you rest, and hourly remember that you came to bring the peace of God into the world, that it might take its rest with you.
With each five minutes that you rest today, the world is nearer waking. And the time when rest will be the only thing there is comes closer to all worn och tired minds, too weary now to go their way alone. And they will hear the bird begin to sing and see the stream begin to flow again, with hope reborn and energy restored to walk with lightened steps along the road that suddenly seems easy as they go. ”
The words are like balm for my soul, my mind, my heart.
Speaking of birds, I want to tell you that I recently experienced a family of magpies who were teaching their young to fly. The two adult birds showed how the young should do. They sat at the far end of a pine branch and flew to another branch close by and the cubs followed. Another attempt where the adults flew and sat on a branch a little further away and the young did the same. Then the adult magpies flew to another pine tree nearby and that distance was a little longer. The first cub was quick and brave and imitated his role models and landed right in the second pine tree. The other cub sat at the far end of the branch and hesitated for a little while, but then it also ventured into the air. The wings were bare! Think what a feeling! What trust! I also want to have that kind of trust in God/Love in my life.
You also cry out to all to join you in your rest, and they will hear you and come to you because you are resting in God. They will hear no voice but yours because you gave your voice to God, and now you rest in Him and let Him speak through you.
I wish you a nice summer with lots of rest.