Do you want to join in and read the book "A Course of Love"?
In January 2025, we continue to read "Dialogues to A Course of Love" and "The Forty Days and Forty Nights".
“This course requires no thought and no effort. There is no prolonged study and the few specific exercises are not required. This Course has succeeded in ways you do not yet understand and have no need to understand. These words have entered your heart and sealed the rift between your mind and your heart. (C:32.4)
This Course speaks as if it were written just for you. So it was. (D:Day 40.32)"
Buy the book or borrow it from the library and join our dialogue group on Zoom. We meet every other Wednesday evening at 18 p.m. and lasts until around 20 p.m. It is a wonderful book circle and we get the opportunity to read a book that is not an ordinary spiritual book.
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Get in touch if you feel in your heart that this is your path.
Light and love,